A House Through Time: TV Georgian house in Falkner Street, Liverpool L8

Are you watching A House Through Time on BBC2? If so, you might recognise this Georgian house in Falkner Street, Liverpool L8.

Interesting to see the house go up for sale at the same time as the TV show. But to be fair, you can’t blame the owner. This is a weekly ad for the house. Although the buyer gets something special too.

That’s a TV history of your house, taking in everyone from the very first owner in the mid-19th century right through to the current owner in the 21st century. I can’t think of many houses that come with that.

But you are buying a house and you will need to be a fan of Georgian architecture and a job in the Liverpool area for this one to work for you.

This grade II-listed property in the highly sought after Georgian Quarter has been ‘renovated sympathetically’, although some parts might be a little too contemporary for lovers of the era. Saying that, the listing makes sure the shell of the house is very much of the era and some decorative details remain. Also, looking at some images from the TV show, it looks like renovation was definitely required to bring this one back to its best.

As it stands, the house is laid out over four floors, including four double bedrooms, two reception rooms, four bathrooms / WCs, an en-suite shower room and ground floor WC. There’s also a large converted basement which is currently used as two additional bedrooms and leads to a south facing walled and gated town garden.

If you want to live here, you will need around £600,000.

Images and details courtesy of Sutton Kersh. For more details and to make an enquiry, please visit the website.
Of course, you can catch up with the TV show courtesy of BBC iPlayer.