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1930s, Art deco, Renovation Projects, United Kingdom

In need of renovation: Three-bedroom semi-detached art deco property in Surbiton, Surrey

Three-bedroom semi-detached art deco property in Surbiton, Surrey
Three-bedroom semi-detached art deco property in Surbiton, Surrey

Just one mage of this place, which might say a lot about the state of this three-bedroom semi-detached art deco property in Surbiton, Surrey.

We don’t have much in the way of detail either, although we suspect that this is a complete renovation, especially with the agent saying it needs ‘a great deal of modernisation’. The presence of dated double glazing doesn’t bode well for period features either.

But it has a great shape, is on a popular street and is said to offer ‘an excellent size’, especially with three bedrooms to play with. Outside, you also get a 70ft garden, your own garage and off-street parking for three to four cars  – selling points for sure. Vacant possession too.

Just frustrating that we can’t get a quick look inside. If you are in the area, you can always book a viewing though. The asking price is £545,000.

Find out more at the Parry and Drewett website

Property Location

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