On the market: 1930s Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house in London

A stunning piece of modernism in London SE26, this 1930s Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house, which is on the market for a not-inconsiderable price.

Lubetkin’s practice, Tecton, designed it back in 1934 for the Head Master of Dulwich College. Its grade II-listed status emphasising its architectural importance. It isn’t exactly the same as it was ‘in the day’, the property has been updated in recent years under the direction of renowned architect John Winter, but without taking away the spirit of the original design.

Sat on a quiet residential road above Dulwich Woods, within easy reach of rail connections to central London, the property offers five bedrooms, three bathrooms, large reception areas, roof terraces and some modern-day luxury, like a stainless steel kitchen for example. It also has mature gardens and views of woodland at the rear, plus garage parking and a driveway at the front for further parking.
The price of £1,750,000 will probably mean a Lotto win is required to picl it up. But on the bright side, it’s actually on at a reduced price – down £150,000 from its original selling price.
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