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Tagged With ‘six pillars’

On the market

On the market: 1930s Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house in London

1930s Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house in London
1930s Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house in London

A stunning piece of modernism in London SE26, this 1930s Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house, which is on the market for a not-inconsiderable price. Read more

On the market

For sale: Grade II-listed, Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house in London SE26 from the 1930s

Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house
Berthold Lubetkin-designed Six Pillars modernist house

Without doubt, Six Pillars is a modernist masterpiece. It’s also grade II-listed, as well as a modernist masterpiece and it is on the market right now. Read more