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Tagged With ‘Berlin’

On the market

1960s modernist railway signal box in Berlin, Germany

1960s modernist railway signal box in Berlin, Germany
1960s modernist railway signal box in Berlin, Germany (image credit: Berlin First)

Something very different on the market via one of our readers. This 1960s modernist railway signal box in Berlin, Germany. Read more

On the market

Airbnb find: Apartment in the Le Corbusier Unite d’Habitation in Berlin, Germany

Airbnb find: Apartment in the Le Corbusier Unite d'Habitation in Berlin, Germany
Airbnb find: Apartment in the Le Corbusier Unite d’Habitation in Berlin, Germany

Not sure if it’s still the case, but these used to be so cheap to buy. If you missed out, you can always rent this apartment in the Le Corbusier Unite d’Habitation in Berlin, Germany via Airbnb. Read more

On the market

1950s Eduard Ludwig modernist property in Berlin, Germany

1950s Eduard Ludwig-designed modernist property in Berlin, Germany
1950s Eduard Ludwig-designed modernist property in Berlin, Germany

Huge thanks to Antti Eerikäinen for spotting this gem, which is a 1950s Eduard Ludwig-designed modernist property in Berlin, Germany. Read more

On the market

1920s Bruno Taut-designed modernist house on the Horseshoe Estate, Berlin, Germany

1920s Bruno Taut-designed modernist property on the Horseshoe Estate in Berlin, Germany
1920s Bruno Taut-designed modernist property on the Horseshoe Estate in Berlin, Germany

Not just a holiday let, this 1920s Bruno Taut-designed modernist property on the Horseshoe Estate in Berlin, Germany is pretty much a design history lesson too.

*Note that all images are (c) Ben Buschfeld and Katrin Lesser

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