On the market
Bittebakken 1950s modern house in St George’s Hill, Surrey

The perfect mix of location and architecture, the Bittebakken 1950s modern house in St George’s Hill, Surrey, is on the market. Read more
On the market
The perfect mix of location and architecture, the Bittebakken 1950s modern house in St George’s Hill, Surrey, is on the market. Read more
On the market
If you don’t win the one being offered in the raffle, you can always set your heart on this Huf Haus modernist property in St George’s Hill, Weybridge, Surrey. Read more
On the market
Ok, in the grand scheme of things the price drop still isn’t turning this into anything like an affordable option. But we are mentioning the Rumba Panjai 1960s modernist property in St George’s Hill, Weybridge, Surrey on the off-chance that someone with money will love it and save it. Read more
On the market
If you want stylish and original 20th century modernism and you have the money, it seems like the private St. George’s Hill estate is the place to look. In the past couple of weeks we have seen the Rumba Panjai modernist property and this midcentury property too. But this 1960s Leslie Gooday-designed modernist property in St George’s Hill, Weybridge, Surrey probably trumps the pair of them. Read more
On the market
If the location sounds familiar, then it is probably down to this wonderful midcentury property we featured last month. That one came at a high price due to the value of the land. This is presumably the case with the Rumba Panjai 1960s modernist property in St George’s Hill, Weybridge, Surrey, which was spotted by Bernadette. Read more