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Tagged With ‘Clapham Park’

On the market

On the market: 1960s architect-designed modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2

1960s architect-designed modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2
1960s architect-designed modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2

Sorry about the lack of background on this one, we just don’t know who is behind this 1960s architect-designed modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2. Read more

On the market

Grand Designs for sale: Low-energy modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2

Grand Designs for sale: Low-energy modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2
Grand Designs for sale: Low-energy modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2

Yes, another Grand Designs for sale property. Yes, a  TV show build is on the market, with this two-bedroom low-energy modernist property in Clapham Park, London SW2 actually going up for sale quicker than most. Read more