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Love WowHaus? You can always Buy Me A Coffee

If you enjoy WowHaus or have benefitted from reading it over the years, then perhaps you might like to Buy Me A Coffee.
Not in the real world of course (although I do like a coffee now and again). Instead, you can buy a virtual coffee for me.
Why would that make sense? Well, as many of you know, WowHaus isn’t a large concern, it’s very much a one-man operation and a spare-time endeavour too. As a result, all the costs of the website and the newsletter are down to me. They can add up too and increase constantly, so the cost of every coffee can be a real help in terms of keeping the website going. Some months it reaslly is a big struggle – and this month in particular due to some unexpected bills.
Of course, you get my time and effort writing the site absolutely free. I never charge for that. it’s a labour of love finding these houses.
If you do feel like you can afford to buy me a coffee to support the site, please do. You can Buy Me A Coffee here and it takes seconds. Due to feedback, I have now updated it so you can use a card to pay as well as PayPal (I know not everyone uses PayPal). Also, for those who have helped before, I have now changed the platform to Ko-Fi, which seemed a little better. The principle is much the same.
Huge thanks in advance, it really is appreciated and incredibly helpful for the future of the site.
Lorraine Paddison on 22 August, 2020 10:51 pm
Love the site, thanks
Chris Post on 13 February, 2021 7:53 pm
Hello, how do I become a member? I can’t seem to find that option. I am now actively looking for a property rather than admiring. We live in Lewes in the south east but would consider other areas if the right house came along. I’m a sculptor so need ground floor space, my husband likes outdoors because he’s an entomologist and likes wild places or a big garden, but we both agree that we adore mid century. Thank you, Christine
WowHauser on 19 February, 2021 10:23 am
Hi, sorry for being so slow in replying to this. There are two tabs, one for donations, the other for membership, on the Buy Me A Coffee page. The only thing I would say is in terms of house-finding, I can point out certain interesting styles of house in areas you dictate, but I might struggle with too many specifics. I know there are professional house finders out there, but they charge large amounts for the service (hundreds and even thousands for a few months of work). I’m just looking for a very small amount per month to support the site and in return. I’ll give you first refusal on anything I see in your area that might be interesting.
Sarah Pannasch on 18 June, 2021 11:54 am
Hello David,
You wrote back in February an article about the Crumlin 60s Bungalow. We have finally got the keys for the house and renovation works are starting on Monday. We very much appreciate the unique style of the house but I was gonna ask you for your opinion on painting the beige brick. I’ve done a good bit of research and many mid-century houses have the brick painted and just leave the texture. I find the beige quite tired looking but was hoping to get your thoughts on that. Thank you!
Janie on 12 July, 2021 9:44 pm
Please for the love of god do not paint that interior brick. Do you know any about mid century design?
sharon jackson on 13 July, 2021 8:17 pm
My father passed in Oct 2020. We have been left a mid century modern bungalow in Crawley Sussex. L shaped 4 bedroom bungalow, large windows. It still has original pilkington glass doors, parquey flooring, original tea serving hatch. 1967.Soon to go on the market. Would you like to see pics of it ? I do hope it doesn’t get trashed !!!!
Sharon , Horsham. Sx.