Hang out online
Keep in touch with WowHaus by email or social media

If you have only just discovered the WowHaus website – welcome along! With so many new visitors, it’s perhaps worth adding in a reminder of just how you can keep in touch with the site across the internet.
First off, you can visit the site. Hopefully, we’ll be here 24/7. But if you don’t get the chance I’ll bring the site to you in other ways:
1. The WowHaus Newsletter:
I try and get a newsletter out every week if possible (although it sometimes slips). It’s a mix of the houses featured in the past seven days or so, some design bits and pieces and perhaps a couple of things I haven’t had the opportunity to feature.
Just follow this link to sign up. There is a problem with the sign-up box on the website, which I am working on getting fixed right now. But the link works just fine.
2. Facebook:
Yes, the site is on Facebook and I will let you know as soon as a new property or feature is added. Perhaps some other things too, depending on how the mood takes us and of course, you can message me. But note you might have to tweak the settings to make sure you see everything The site is at:
3. Twitter:
Just like Facebook, I keep on top of the new finds on Twitter, post other finds and of course, I am always around for a chat too. The Twitter is @wowhauser.
4. Instagram:
I have taken a while to get up to speed with Instagram, but I am now on it now in full effect, with new finds and other lovely imagery a key part of it. Follow me, we would love to see you there. Find me at @wowhauser or via:
5. Pinterest:
Another network I have been on for a good while and it has been very popular. If you love Pinterest, be great to see you at:
6. Good old email:
If you just want to ask us a question, recommend a house find (I am always keen to see new finds) or need to know anything at all, just get in touch via the site. You can find our details right here.
That’s it, speak soon I hope!