Modernist city tote bags at The Modernist

For an affordable Christmas gift for someone with a love of modernism, check out the modernist city tote bags at The Modernist.

Yes, a heavy use of the words ‘modernist’ and ‘modernism’ there, but that’s hardly surprising, as they are at the heart of these designs.

The bags are made by the people behind the much-loved The Modernist magazine, with the designs obviously including Manchester (the place of the magazine’s birth), but taking in other locations that have taken on the preservation of modernism as a cause.
So you are looking at Sheffield, Birmingham, Liverpool and Croydon too.

The designs are consistent, bold and slightly retro, with all made of 100 per cent cotton and in different colours for each city.
I suppose if you don’t have an allegiance to one of the cities, it might be a non-starter. But if you do, just £6 is firmly in ‘stocking filler’ territory. Plenty of other affordable bits and pieces too, which are worth checking out.
Find out more at The Modernist website
Update: It looks like Manchester has sold out. Also, if you are after a tote bag, worth checking out the Barbican Estate totes by Stefi Orazi too.