Midcentury modern vinyl storage units by Scott Cassin

Like to play records in your midcentury home? Then you might want to check out these midcentury modern vinyl storage units by Scott Cassin.

With the 1960s Brionvega Radiofonografo record player proving so popular in the recent past, there is obviously a love of vinyl out there. If you have a pile of records and a record player in need of a permanent home, these units are certainly worth a look.

Style meets functionality here and as each one is handmade, you get some uniqueness thrown in for good measure too. Always nice to see something custom built.

The designs are quite varied too. On the face of it, each one is inspired by interior design of the 1960s, but look more closely and you release that the functionality is a little different from design to design. The sizes obviously vary too.

Basically it’s down to your room space and your priorities. If you want compact, you can haver it. If you have more vinyl, that’s catered for too and if you want to put in some hi-fi components, you have the option to do that as well.

You can change the finish of the wood too. The majority are made from a sapele mahogany, but you can also go for a lighter oak if that works for you more. Talking of tweaks, there is also a choice of legs, such as the the midcentury tapered legs or industrial metal legs for support.
Hopefully something for everyone. As long as you love vinyl. As for pricing, that is determined by those options and starts from around £565.
Find out more at the Scott Cassin Etsy website
Via Retro To Go