On the market: 1960s Ken Koehler-designed midcentury modern property in Seattle, WA, USA

How would you like to live in the house of the future? Well, you can if you buy this 1960s Ken Koehler-designed midcentury modern property in Seattle, WA, USA.
It was the house of the future back in 1963, with this place apparently built, furnished and landscaped in just 10 days for the Seattle Home Show. A solid job done too, as this place looks pretty much as it did over 50 years ago. Actually, the house was moved too, from the exhibition space to its current location would you believe? You would never have guessed that.
Ok, not completely as it was. The house last sold in the 1980s and since them it has been modernised in places (the kitchen, for example, looks very recent). But there are many period gems still in place, such as the vintage intercom system, stone fireplaces and light fittings. That’s before we consider the vaulted ceilings, that bold shape and the wonderful balcony spaces.
There’s also 3,942 sq. ft. of living space too, which includes four bedrooms and at least two bathrooms. When you get bored of that inside space, just step out and take in those amazing views too – as much of a selling point as the house itself.
If you want this place, the house is up for $948,000.
Find out more at the Windermere Real Estate website
Via Curbed