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1960s, Midcentury modern, USA

On the market: 1960s Donald Ratcliffe-designed midcentury property in Towson, Maryland, USA

1960s Donald Ratcliffe-designed midcentury property in Towson, Maryland, USA
1960s Donald Ratcliffe-designed midcentury property in Towson, Maryland, USA

I’ll admit it, I’ve written about this 1960s Donald Ratcliffe-designed midcentury property in Towson, Maryland, USA because of one room. But what a room!

That room in question is, of course, the stunning A-frame living room, which dominates this particular design. Beams, stone walls, wood panels and what looks like a balcony space above. Oh yes, check out that midcentury fireplace too. Simply stunning.

The rest of the house looks fairly humdrum in comparison, but it does a functional job of offering the the four bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchens and adjoining space. Outside space isn’t bad either, with much of the inside accommodation opening out onto the patio and large pool area.

If you like what you see, the asking price is $595,000, which is around £358,000.

Find out more at the Zillow website

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