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1970s, France, Modernist

On the market: 1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France

1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France

We know very little about this place, finding the listing of the 1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France you see here via a random web search. In fact, we’re not even sure if it dates from the 1970s.

1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France

We’re just making an educated guess. It hovers around that era, that’s for sure. The translated agent details just tell us it is ‘Le Corbusier style’, but that’s a description we see almost daily for a variety of properties.

1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France

If this was in the UK, I suspect we would be going wild about it. But obviously, this is in the south of France, so its appeal as a potential home is limited to anyone fancying a relocation to that area. But regardless of that, we can still admire a design that looks to have changed little over the decades.

1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France

In terms of layout, the agent tells us that this place is in a quiet location with a sea view, offering three bedrooms, a good-sized living room, kitchen and bathroom. There’s also a carport outside and a plot that covers around 800 sq. metres.

1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France

If you want to know more, email the agent, sure they’d love to hear from you. Price wise, it’s down as 525,000 Euros.

Find out more at the Seloger website

Note that the listing also has a video tour.

1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
1970s three-bedroom architect-designed house in Toulon, Southern France
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