On the market: Five bedroom modernist villa in Larchant, near Fontainebleau, France

Sometimes you can’t always believe what you read in an agent’s particulars, especially when those details have been dragged from another site via a translating tool. Which means we’re not entirely sire which era produced this five bedroom modernist villa in Larchant, near Fontainebleau, France.

The translation claims the house is 80 years old. By our reckoning, that would date this place to 1932. Of course, it might have had an extensive rebuild in later years, because this place looks more like a property from the late 1970s or early ’80s, especially when you see the interior – lots of retro/period fittings on display.

Regardless of that, it’s still an interesting property and if you love the idea of modernism in a rural setting, but not too far from the big city, it could be the place for you.

According to those agent’s details, this geometric property is located in the edge of a national forest, situated 15km from Fontainebleau and arounds 5km from the main road into Paris. You get a hectare of woods to yourself, with the house talking up around 140 square metres.

The layout offers a ground floor with an entrance area, a first bedroom and an office or second bedroom, with a staircase accessing the first floor, which offers up a large living room and dining room with ‘stunning views’ of the forest. There’s also a kitchen with a dining area up here, plus three further bedrooms and a bathroom. A basement area has a storage room, games room, sauna, two seats and an ‘Italian shower’. No, me neither.
All of that for 550,000 Euros, which works out at just under £461,000.
Naomi Daniels on 8 March, 2012 8:40 pm
The detail on the website (under “caracteristiques”) says that the house was built in 1982