On the market: Five-bedroomed art deco house in Roedean, Brighton, East Sussex

One thing that really annoys me is when a property goes on sale and there are next to no details online. Which brings us to this five-bedroomed art deco house in Roedean, Brighton, East Sussex.

It looks stunning, but we know next to nothing about it. The agent does mention ‘period features’, so we can presume it’s an original art deco property rather than a new-build designed in the style. But we can’t say for sure. Anyone in the area know?

We don’t even know what you get for your money either. Yes, there are five bedrooms, it does overlook Brighton Marina and has off street parking and a ‘useful garage’.

But that’s pretty much all we know. Thankfully, the agent has bothered to stick up a number of images, some of which are here, the rest being on the agent’s listing.

Oh yes, we know the price too – £1,475,000. For that price, you would expect more from your agent.
Find out more at the Zoopla at eBay website
Update: We’ve now been informed that this is a modern house built in the art deco style – not an original.
hugh on 15 September, 2011 5:00 pm
I’m afraid it’s a modern fake. If you look on Streetview you can still spot the humble bungalow it replaced – they haven’t bothered to change the garage door.
hugh on 16 September, 2011 4:19 pm
It’s actually the work of Nicola Thomas (ARCH/angels architects), and is a first floor extension and extensive remodelling of the existing bungalow – hence the mellow brickwork visible in the first photo.