Le Nuage by Zebra3 – the cloud-shaped house

It’s French name is Le Nuage, which translate to The Cloud. You can see why Zebra3 called its self-build that from the image above.

Not just a shed, this is a house made of wood and plexiglass that’s said to house up to seven people. Part art, part practical living, the cloud is akin to a holiday chalet if you like, with the interior showing open-plan living space and integrated beds.
No sign of a kitchen or bathroom though, we’re not sure if they’ve not been added yet or if our Cloud is to be treated like a camping trip – toilet blocks and cook outside on a stove or fire. We suspect the latter.

We also don’t know if you can buy these yet, we’ve gleaned our information from a French website, which seems to suggest the initial Clouds are being set up in the Hermitage St. Catherine park, near the city of Lormont in Aquitaine, France until October 31st by the Bruit du frigo collective.
Get in touch and you can sleep in one by the lake at no cost – you are part of the art installation it seems. If you like, you can always ask about buying one for yourself. Could be useful when relatives come to stay.