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Architectural tourist

Books, Germany

Bauhaus Travel Book by Ingolf Kern (Prestel)

Out now: Bauhaus Travel Book by Ingolf Kern (Prestel)
Out now: Bauhaus Travel Book by Ingolf Kern (Prestel)

If you fancy a bit of architectural tourism, then you might want to check out the Bauhaus Travel Book by Ingolf Kern, which has been published by Prestel.

It is pretty much what you expect, a 304-page travel guide covering Germany’s Bauhaus architecture, picking out over 100 locations that can still be visited today.

Divided into three geographic sections that follow the locations of the school—Weimar (1919–25), Dessau (1925–33), and Berlin (1933), the book offers historical background, both historic and contemporary photograph and some up-to-date tourist information.

There are also short essays showcasing significant events and figures of the Bauhaus movement if you want to brush up on your knowledge too. Apart from that, you just need to check out some budget airlines and your favourite hotel booking sites and you are away.

Of course, you’ll need to order this book too. It retails for £18.99.

Find out more at the Amazon website

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